Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Reluctantly Healthy - videos by Judy Greer

You just gotta love the title of this series of short videos by Judy Greer - Reluctantly Healthy! Her series has really caught on, and I really enjoy watching them, they truly run the gammut of topics (healthy mojito recipe, plant based salad dressing recipe, jump rope workout, burning calories with hula hoop, the 3 machines at the gym you have to use...)

I just had to share - here are links to a few of them - Enjoy!!page=1

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fibromyalgia and Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD/CRPS)

This is an excellent article about perseverance and thinking outside the box. I am always reading articles just to take in info, and I love that this sufferer did just that and used the knowledge, and pursued it until she found a solution for her own suffering! Even better that once she tried the meds and the side effects were too much she didn't stop there, she altered the meds until it worked for her. What perseverance! And along the way others learned as well (pharmacist, her neurologist!) to hopefully spread the word about the treatment to help others as well.