These are some of my favorite links to sites where I have found valuable info, helpful and inspiring people and more:
- - The life of a working mother living with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia
- - Learn to Live Zen!
- - FibroBlog, published by the National Fibromyalgia Association, is dedicated to news, issues, and events to help explore and deepen understanding of fibromyalgia. Here you will also find information on how you can participate in advancing fibromyalgia issues on the local, state, and national level.
- - The National Fibromyalgia Association website
- - You'll find a range of tools for proactive health management at your fingertips: comprehensive nutritional support for any number of health concerns, updates on the latest medical news, chat rooms, message boards and support communities with thousands sharing information, advice and treatment experiences. Commerce with Compassion: Research is the key to finding cures for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), Fibromyalgia (FM), and other chronic conditions. Thus ProHealth both donates a portion of its profits and raises funds from other sources in order to further such research. Since 1988, ProHealth has raised and donated over $3 million to organizations focused on finding effective treatments, and one day perhaps cures, for these ailments, and to organizations involved in health advocacy.
- - PatientsLikeMe is committed to providing a better, more effective way to capture valuable results and share them with patients, healthcare professionals, and industry organizations that are trying to treat the disease. On this site thru your account you can continually document your treatments, symptoms and side effects, and print out these reports to share with your doctor(s) each visit! You can also meet others and share.
- - A FREE online healthcare service that helps monitor the safety of your medications (including prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs, nutritional supplements and herbal extracts) - very good when taking a variety of meds and vits! This site checks the possible interactions etc.
- - Trade books, DVDs, CDs and video games via the mail, just paying the shipping (usu under $3!) You list books/DVDs/CDs/Games you want and list what you have, and they match you up!
- - family of shoes brands that are SUPER comfy, a lot are found in the FootSmart catalog )see above :) -- Born, Sofft, Softspots -- I have bought some on sale at FootSmart, and also found some of these brands at Nordstrom Rack on sale.
- - Patient Alliance for Neurondocrinimmune Disorders Organization for Research and Advocacy - We Were Built on Hope • Strong on Advocacy • Finding a Cure through Research
- - Four years, and dozen of misdiagnosis’ later I was told I had fibromyalgia. My mom and I went on a quest to find relief, one that we are still on. There are so many wonderful places for support and medical information, and there will be some of that here. However, I could never find what I was really looking for in the fibromyalgia information. What I really wanted was a job, to be able to work. I wanted to know how to manage my disease & still make my life work. This blog is to help other people with fibromyalgia realize their dreams and find work that they can do without sacrificing their health.
- - Blog of author of Women and Fibromyalgia: Living with an Invisible Dis-ease: For all of my professional career I had been interested in issues pertaining to social justice and in particular, women and health and the extent to which it has been sorely neglected. Many years ago I therefore began a research study which I had a close personal interest in exploring, given my own fibro history. The project involved interviewing many, many women who had also lived, as I had, with the pain and fatigue of fibromyalgia for many years, without much hope of our lives becoming visible.