Monday, November 29, 2010

Dark Chocolate Good for Chronic Fatigue and Fibro!


Apparently dark chocolate is good for CFS and fibromyalgia! Check out this article, and the responses below it! I unfortunately cannot eat dark chocolate as it give me migraines :/ But please, if anyone else has experienced an easing of symptoms by eating dark chocolate do share!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Massage Therapist for Fibro in South Florida

Yolanda Vargas, LMT
(954) 661-6169
Coral Springs, FL

I Highly Recommend her if you have fibro and live in South Florida!

Learn more about her and her practice here:
Tel: (954) 661-6169  Tel: (954) 661-6(954)169

Saturday, November 13, 2010

How to Tackle Chronic Illness

This is really good, well written and awesome advice. I follow this migraine blog and have found it super informational and helpful, as a lot of it also applies generically to chronic illnesses and not just migraines.

Choose to roll your rock instead of carrying it:

I do think attitude can play a big role in dealing with a chronic illness like fibromyalgia. I noticed that once I had some inspiration and encouragement and changed my view on fibro I was a happier and even healthier person.

As most of you know I love the two books FibroWHYalgia (Sue Ingebretson) and How to Be Sick (Toni Bernhard) -- as yes I attribute these two books to turning my attitude and outlook around to alot more positivity.

But take your inspiration from where you choose, be it family, children, books, support groups (local or online, try online!) It takes patience and time, but it is worth it to have a positive attitude and persevere :)

Choose to roll your rock instead of carrying it:

Monday, November 8, 2010

FREE Fibromyalgia Diet Lecture, Boca Raton

Tuesday, November 16th, 6 – 7 pm
Fibromyalgia Lecture @ WHOLE FOODS, Boca Raton

Pre-Register @ Customer Service or call 561.447.0000, Free!

Muscle pain from fibromyalgia is one of the most common types of chronic widespread pain in the U.S. which has no boundaries.  Diet plays an important role with fibromyalgia due to the weakened immune system.  Come learn about a new dietary breakthrough for adverse food reactions and sensitivity. If you or someone you know suffers from any of these conditions you won’t want to miss this information!

Instructor: Julianne Kortiz, MS, LD/N, RD; Nutrition Coach

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Canker Sores, ugh!

Does anyone else suffer from the horrible buggars?! Apparently there is no cure, it takes about 3 weeks for one to heal and go away. And there is no known cause, though stress and tart foods and toothpastes with sodium lauryl sulfate are suspected in some fashion.

I am currently battling 2 or 3 new cankers in my mouth. I had one I thought just healed, but guess 2 new just showed up, grrrr!  had some spicy foods last nite, and also an alcoholic cider drink? Maybe that was just all too much for my mouth.

I found this article and thought it was very interesting and informative. I have been useing Burts Bees toothpaste for about 6 months as that s SLS free, I did notice a decrease in canker sores, but as you'll see there can obviously be many different suspected causes.

I want to look into those Rembrandt and Sensodyne toothpastes, has anyone else tried those?!

The Benadryl swishing is interesting, I will have to try that too. I have used alum on my cankers sometimes, it burns quite a bit but I think it may help. You can find it in the spices section of your grocery stores, its used for pickling and preserving.