Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Dr. Oz and Fibromylagia

Has anyone else seen these Dr. Oz videos about fibromyalgia? I don't think they are new, maybe from 2012, but they seem to be making their rounds on the net lately:

Here are links to the clips:

Is it me or did he really explain nothing? He really just touches just too briefly on treatments, especially holistic treatments. And he calls it a disease, its not. Its an illness, a disorder, but not a disease. I felt the brain image thing was very confusing. Did that make sense to anyone else? I think an ENTIRE EPISODE should be focused on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, not just a few minutes, he really addressed nothing, and explained nothing.

I think this, from an article he wrote in 2009 for Opraph's O Magazinge, is a little more informative, but still he could devote a lot more to fibro:

What does everyone else think of Dr. Oz's coverage of fibromylagia?

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