Thursday, November 13, 2014

Fibromyalgia and Thyroid


I don't know how I haven't stumbled across this in the past 5 or so years. But it makes sense. As it all seems to come together. A link between fibromyalgia and the thyroid. I've read a little about it (a few links below) but my brain fog leaves me a little fuzzy on the exactness, but it seems the most together puzzle of anything I've come across since my diagnosis with fibro 5 years ago.

Compare the symptoms, the similarities are uncanny, ok really, they are the SAME!!

• fatigue
• weight gain
• cold intolerance
• joint and muscle pain
• depression
• memory problems

Is fibro the early stage of thyroid problems? (Subclinical Hashimoto's, before the thyroid levels get to the point of imbalance that they show up on a blood test?) Or is thyroid just another part of the fibro puzzle?

What exactly is the connection between fibro and thyroid and the key to feeling better?

10 Root Causes of Fibromyalgia

Is Fibromyalgia Hashimotos?

The Relationship Between Fibromyalgia and Thyroid

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Smoothie for Joint Pain

It's October, changing of the seasons, though not much of a season change in South Florida as in the rest of the country (ok it goes from stiffling hot to a nice cool breeze :). I still somehow feel the aches and pains in my joints during the change this month. Is it the fibro? Lingering Lyme Disease? Developing rheumatoid arthritis? (My mother and cousin have) I don't know. I don't think I want to know. But I'd like some relief. All natural relief if possible. So I've been google-ing like heck, and found some good anti-inflammatory foods to beef up on this month. (Here is a list of a few - and good news this month as pumpkins is listed! -

Pineapple and blueberries and ginger and also some. So I whipped up a super yummy smoothie with those. Give it a try! Can't go wrong (ok, well go easy on the ginger unless you like spicy!)

Here it is as Martha Stewart makes it (can't go wrong there right?!)

Also, my Mom bought me this stick blender combo few years back, LOVE it, so glad she did, I use it all the time to whip up smoothies, I highly recommend:

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Massage for Fibromyalgia

When I was diagnosed with fibro, and made the decision to try the alternative and natural treatment route, I read about the benefits of massage for fibromyalgia. I started with a really good local massage therapist, with short sessions initially. We worked up to longer sessions. I would go over 2- 4 weeks, but I made the committment. I noticed that it did make a difference in making me feel better overall. My health improved, my body pain lessened. 5 years later, I am still committed to monthly massages. When I get busy and wait too long (oops 5 or 6 weeks go by) I can feel it for sure and need it to get back on track. Sue points to the benefits of massage for fibro here, among other fibro health tips:

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Fibro Comments - How to React to Others

Great Advice here on how to respond to those not so pleasant comments from others about fibro (I'm a big fan of Sue Ingebretson and her books, author of this post here):

Friday, September 26, 2014

Foods to Avoid with Fibromyalgia


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Making Peace with Your Dis-ease - Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue

This is an excellent article. I have recently become attuned to the Ayurvedic sciences and have tried to tune my eating to that to help with my fibro and chronic fatigue and overall health. I have always kind of been in a strange way grateful for being diagnosed with fibro and chronic fatigue years ago, as it made me slow down and take stock, it made me step back and re-evaluate and start to live and eat healthier. This article is a way speaks to that, that disease reacts to help you, so pay attention to it, to your body, and appreciate what it is doing, how it works, listen to what ti may be telling you. Help it, take care of it. be kind to yourself and your body, nurture.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

L-Lysine for Cold Sores

I have to follow up a post I wrote nearly 4 years ago on L-Lysine for canker sores:

As you can see, my original post was about taking L-Lysine, a natural amino acid, for the treatment of canker sores.

But I'd really like to emphasize its great effect and treatment as well for cold sores.

(To note - in the 4+ years that I have now been taking 500mg L-Lysine/day not one canker sore or cold sore!)

My mother was visiting me  a while back and "felt a cold sore coming on" - that certain tingling on the lip that tells you whats about to pop up. Well I handed her a couple L-Lysine, said her, take 3 a day for the next couple days, it will go away. She really try to resist, I basically forced it upon her. Well, guess what never popped up on her lip?! :) She was a little shy about recognizing the amazing power of the L-Lysine, but I was just happy that it had worked.

Couple months later she called me, "What was the name of that stuff you gave me for the cold sore?"


Its all natural, no side effects, you will notice no difference in taking it other than NO cold sores! I take 500mg/day as preventative. But I have read that as treatment you can take 3/day or 1500mg/day to treat an active eruption, it will really speed up the healing process.

Its very inexpensive at your local drugstore. Try it, and let me know!

Monday, September 1, 2014

One of the Biggest Migraine Mistakes

I have suffered from migraines now for over 20 years. I guess I was somewhat lucky in that my Mother is a nurse and "in the industry" so she knew that for migraines you see a specialist, and that specialist is a neurologist. (Ok it probably also helped that she herself suffers from migraines.)

But one of the biggest mistakes I feel that I see these days when I meet people who are suffering from migraines is that they are not going to a specialist for treatment. I understand that it can be scary, and it can be frustrating. I know, I have been there. But after 20 years I feel I have got it under control, and made friends with migraines, and I have found a migraine doctor that I truly LOVE. He even understands and respects my wanting to balance out the complementary treatment aspect - so we don't do heavy medications, we try all-natural and only use the meds when necessary.

A general practitioner, or a gynocologist, or any other doctor who is trying to treat your migraines is not the right fit, seek out a neurologist to treat your migraines. They will be in the know on the latest news and information, studies, medicines, treatments etc. They will know the rights tests to run - MRI's etc. (these can be scary too, but TRUST them, they know what they are doing, they are the EXPERTS!) Migraines are their industry. Its ok to go to several neuro's until you find the right fit, its important because you want the right relationship - its your health! Migraines can be debilitating and you want someone who can help you and understand you.

Some of the natural treatments I use are magneisum for migraines, and avoiding trigger foods (which seems to change for me throughout my life.) Some of my own personal trigger foods are: citrus, red wine, dark chocolate, vinegar, soy (which is in peanut butter FYI, except the NATURAL kind). But everyone's trigger foods can vary. Search the internet, you will find more lists.

Other migraine triggers include the weather - a change in barometric pressure - have you noticed more migraines when it rains? Not much you can do about this, but some people but marine barometers to help track weather so they can predict when to expect a migraine:

Other triggers may be monthly hormones :/ Which is why many women end up being treated for their migraines by a gynocologist. But the gyno and neuro should work together. There are many complementary treatments.

I also have one triptan med on hand for when I do get a migraine, I can take it and be migraine free within 2 hours. I would love to find something all-natural that can do that for me, but have yet to find, so for now, this med will help me there! And I do take a small dose of a preventative med everynight that has helped keep my migraines at bay.

Its been a process, like I said over 20 years, but I have built a relationship with my neurologist and it works. I hope you can find a good neurologist and relief from your migraines as well.

Please share your experiences.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Chronic Fatigue - Why? How? What?

Trying to understand Chronic Fatigue? So are the doctors and medical community, here is where the research and theories stand today:

Monday, April 14, 2014

Migraines and Magnesium

Though it is not highlighted as much as Gastrodin, scroll towards the bottom of the article, the bit about a link between magnesium and migraines. Yet more proof and studies in the efficacy. I take Ultra-Mag and it does help me relax and sleep at night as well as keep my migraines at bay.

Has anyone else found some relief with magnesium for their migraines?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Chart for Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms

The chart on this link is a pretty good resource for determining if you have a gluten sensitivity (I know I do.)

Monday, April 7, 2014

Gluten Free and Fibromyalgia

I AGREE! WIth this article, yes, I do not have Celiacs disease (allergy to gluten) but I know I DO have a SENSITIVITY to gluten! When I stay away from gluten, I feel better, less pain, less fatigue, more energy. I understand my tolerances, maybe something every couple of days, but even then yes, I do begin to feel the difference. And really, when i cut out breads, I don't miss them so much. And gluten free bread? Mighty tasty to me!  just wish I could bring it to the restaurants with me to substitute!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Vitamin D and Fibromyalgia

Most people, not just those with fibro, have low levels of vitamin D. I have always supplemented with vitamin D3, even though I live in sunny Florida. It was just recently that my doctor started checking my exact levels and he discovered that even with taking vitamins D3 supplements I was still on the absolute lower end of the spectrum! So he has up me to 5,000mcg a day. I do feel like I feel a bit better, less pain, more energy (a little.) I am curious now my next visit to see how much my levels have gone up. Real curious.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Celebrities with Fibromyalgia - Another List

This seems to be a new hot topic, Celebrities with Fibromylagia, I am seeing more and more stories n this topic. ProHealth has released a list of 10 celebrities who are struggling with fibro. I think we were familiar with most on the list already, but here is:

Friday, March 28, 2014

Adrenal Fatigue? - An Online Conference Opportunity!

April 7th - April 24th, 2014, an Online Conference covering the many many topics of Adrenal Fatigue. Sign up now to receive the videos for a limited time via email for free.

I have researched this topic a lot. One of the major life disturbances since my fibromyalgia diagnosis has been extreme fatigue. Is this chronic fatigue? Is it due to fatigued adrenals? One doctor I saw had the adrenal fatigue theory, and I did try to adjust my diet and lifestyle accordingly, and it did seem to help.

I signed up for this online adrenal conference. I am a big fan of Sue Ingebretson (April 16th's presenter!) and I am looking forward to learning everything listed on this website.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Top Diets Reviewed for 2014

The Best Diets of 2014 were recently reviewed and released. I have been sticking to a vegetarian/vegan diet since last September and I can say it def makes my fibro and fatigue better, and a little weight loss has also occurred along the way as well :) I am intrigued by the Mediterranean Diet, as it always seems to rank high and its pretty close to vegetarian but includes fish (which I enjoy.)

Is anyone familiar with the DASH diet? It seemed to rank highly this year in many categories...

Sunday, March 23, 2014

What Vitamins Should I Take?

When I first was diagnosed with fibromyalgia I did a LOT of research into vitamins and supplements that would help. It was daunting and time consuming. Dr. Weil has created a quick and easy online form for helping guide you to some recommended vitamins according to your lifestyle. While it may not tackle every detail, I took the quiz and I was surprised at how accurate and how much it aligns with what I currently take! Its a pretty good starting point if you are confused and overwhelmed by the vitamins aisle :)

Did you take the test? What did you think?

Thursday, March 20, 2014

A Gratitude Jar for 2014

This is a great article about gratitude and positivity and it effects on health. At the beginning of 2014 I started a Gratitude Jar for myself. Its in the kitchen, on the counter, with a pen and paper nearby. Whenever I feel a bit of gratitude I write it down and fold it up and put it in the jar. It makes me good to write it out, to acknowledge it, whether it is something big (I was able to afford new tires) or small (I made someone smile.) Sometimes I will take some out and read them to relive happiness :) But mostly it just makes me really appreciate things in life big and small. It even makes me see good in bad situations (oh well dating that guy didn't work out, but we had some good dates, and in the end I had good friends there to pick me up and cheer me up :)

I highly recommend a Gratitude Jar, Journal or the such.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Living with Fibromyalgia - Tips

This is a great article I came across on ProHealth's website. One woman's challenges and victories in living with fibromyalgia. Its very well written and thorough, and I think everyone will find something they can relate to. 

I especially like to point out that of the 17 things she has said help her manage her fibromyalgia, only 1 involves medications. The rest are lifestyle adjustments. Scheduling recovery time and massages are very important to me as well. I have learned the hard way too often about those to ignore them now! 

(On a side note I am curious to learn more about the CFIDS/Fibromyalgia Self-Help course - has anyone else heard of this??)

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Reluctantly Healthy - videos by Judy Greer

You just gotta love the title of this series of short videos by Judy Greer - Reluctantly Healthy! Her series has really caught on, and I really enjoy watching them, they truly run the gammut of topics (healthy mojito recipe, plant based salad dressing recipe, jump rope workout, burning calories with hula hoop, the 3 machines at the gym you have to use...)

I just had to share - here are links to a few of them - Enjoy!!page=1

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Fibromyalgia and Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD/CRPS)

This is an excellent article about perseverance and thinking outside the box. I am always reading articles just to take in info, and I love that this sufferer did just that and used the knowledge, and pursued it until she found a solution for her own suffering! Even better that once she tried the meds and the side effects were too much she didn't stop there, she altered the meds until it worked for her. What perseverance! And along the way others learned as well (pharmacist, her neurologist!) to hopefully spread the word about the treatment to help others as well.