Monday, March 29, 2010

Thyroid & FIbromyalgia?

hmmm.... came across this article below, and this phrasing in it hit me like a BRICK, as it couldn't describe and sum up my symptoms any better:

"...unexplained exhaustion, severe dry skin, joint pain, swelling in her feet and a 'muddled brain.' "

Please remember to consult your physician before trying anything new. I am not a doctor and no information should be considered medical advice. Any information provided should not be used to take the place of advice from your personal physician or other professional. Links to other sites are provided for ease of research. Information on those sites is the opinion of those who publish the sites and is NOT necessarily that of FibroChick. I offer what I can as help. I believe in educating myself on all my medical issues and being my own advocate, for no one else will do that on my behalf. I recommend we all do the same!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Goldilocks & Exercise

Interesting, I like the way this is phrased about exercise: "To improve physical fitness, the Goldilocks Principle applies: not too much exercise and not too little, but just the right amount."

I am going to try to get back into yoga again this week. I am very hopeful, as before all my FM symptoms I was in yoga and it was very relaxing and the stretching felt soooo good.

The real key to everything is sleep and energy, getting enough RESTORATIVE sleep to have the energy to exercise!

Please remember to consult your physician before trying anything new. I am not a doctor and no information should be considered medical advice. Any information provided should not be used to take the place of advice from your personal physician or other professional. Links to other sites are provided for ease of research. Information on those sites is the opinion of those who publish the sites and is NOT necessarily that of FibroChick. I offer what I can as help. I believe in educating myself on all my medical issues and being my own advocate, for no one else will do that on my behalf. I recommend we all do the same! 

The Invisible Disabilities Advocate

This book looks interesting, "But You LOOK Good" -- I've ordered it and will let you know.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Please Don't Judge Me

Its tough wanting to do more than I know I am able. I have pushed myself and then been sorry the next day, and days after. Its tougher to try and explain to friends why I cannot go out one night but can go out another. When you are always tired and your feet feel like walking on hot glass after standing on them for just 5 minutes, you start to look at outings differently. And you start planning your week differently. Doctors don't understand fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, I don't understand fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue, so how do I explain it to my friends and family? I wish they would just let *me* decide when I can and cannot go out, what I can and cannot do. I feel like I am always being judged and not being accepted for who I am. It seems just when I am having a good day and feel I have things under control other start to voice their *opinions* on the way I am living. Especially in South Florida, so many people here are SO judgemental and superficial, it is such a shame. Just accept me for who I am, and instead of reminding me that I am sick and saying "I hope you feel better" please just say "I hope you are having a good day" -- as I will never *feel better* but I WILL have good days and bad days. And let me decide my lifestyle, as unfortunately it is a day-to-day thing I am learning to try and balance.

Take a Breather

The nose has a left and a right side; we use both to inhale and exhale. Actually they are different; you would be able to feel the difference. The right side represents the sun, left side represents the moon. During a headache, try to close your right nose and use your left nose to breathe. In about 5 Mins, your headache will go?

If you feel tired, just reverse, close your left nose and breathe through your right nose. After a while, you will feel your mind is refreshed. Right side belongs to 'hot', so it gets heated up easily, left side belongs to 'cold'.

Most females breathe with their left noses, so they get "cooled off" faster. Most of the guys breathe with their right noses, they get worked up. 

Do you notice the moment we wake up, which side breathes faster? Left or right? ? If left is faster, you will feel tired.
So, close your left nose and use your right nose for breathing, you will get refreshed quickly.

This can be taught to kids, but it is more effective when practiced by adults.
This alternative natural therapy without medication is something that many have experienced.
I'm gonna give it a try.

Staying Positive

Can be difficult, it has been difficult for me. I got this book today "Where is God When it Hurts?" by Phillip Yancey. [I found an inexpensive way to acquire books that I like to read and resource - ] I have just not understood why God would make a person suffer, I keep feeling like I have done something wrong in life and God is punishing me. I feel like everytime I find some kind of happiness in my life it gets crushed, I mean not just crushed but demolished. Why? Why? Why? Its like I am now scared to ever be happy again, because it will just be taken away from me, as seems to be the pattern called my life. Anyhoo. So this book looks interesting, I started reading the first couple of pages and its really drawn me in. Then ironically enough I came across this blogsite!:

Synchronicity. Things happen for a reason.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Science Behind Fibromyalgia

This is a good intro to the science aspect and what they know so far:

Not Crazy

I'm not crazy, my reality is just different from yours.

Keep Smilin' :D

Don't frown because you never know who may be falling in love with your smile :)

Magnesium Deficiency?

Interesting article on how much magnesium affects our bodies:

I am really tempted to try the "Natural Calm"

Please remember to consult your physician before trying anything new. I am not a doctor and no information should be considered medical advice. Any information provided should not be used to take the place of advice from your personal physician or other professional. Links to other sites are provided for ease of research. Information on those sites is the opinion of those who publish the sites and is NOT necessarily that of FibroChick. I offer what I can as help. I believe in educating myself on all my medical issues and being my own advocate, for no one else will do that on my behalf. I recommend we all do the same!

I Diverge - Good Migraine Info

EXCELLENT resource for migraineures:

Make sure to:
- sign up for his email newsletter, HeadWay
- follow him on FaceBook
- follow his tweets

Monday, March 22, 2010

Second Chance with Saving Grace

Very Inspirational! - Second Chance with Saving Grace, Founder
Author, Speaker, Singer, Counselor, Rare Blood Disease Survivor

Stay Strong & Courageous!!

Helen Keller - GOOD QUOTE

Although the world is full of suffering, it is also full of overcoming it.

~ Helen Keller

Fibromyalgia - Its Complex and NOT an Easy Fix

I think the new commercials on TV showcasing the new prescription drugs for Fibromyalgia - Lyrica, Cymbalta, Savella - are a good way to get fibromyalgia exposure to the mainstreet public and make them more aware if the realness and seriousness of the condition. However, it does not help explain the complexity of the condition, and that these drugs don't always work for everyone, and they aren't a "cure" to take away ALL the multiple symptoms of FM. It really, really irritates me when friends ask how I am doing, and why am I not one one of those drugs in the commercials? Thank you for the concern, but I have done 8 months of my own reading and research, seen now 11 doctors and spent well over $5,000 and *wow* if only my doctors and I watched TV, it would be that easy to fix all my problems! Why didn't *I* think of that??!! Unfortunately, it is so much more complex than popping a pill and feeling better. In fact, from the research I have read, these new drugs (Cymbalta, Savella, Lyrica) only work well in 20% of FM patients!! They have actually found the old school, classic anti-depressant triycyclic class of drugs (that came out in the 1950s - Amitriptyline, Nortriptyline) have a much better success rate with fibromyalgia patients. However, all theses drugs, new and old, can have some heavy side effects, and for most sufferers, what drug and how much they take can be a decision between how much/if any relief versus the side effects and if they are worth it. Cymbalta has been out for a while, I tried it a while back from migraines to no avail. In fact it took my body on such a rollercoaster ride for over a month with side effects. I was so miserable, it wasn't a cure, it was like I was trading one ailment for a bunch of horrible side effects! NO thanks! I know that it is very, very hard for people who do not suffer from FM to understand it and how it can effect someone. They see you smiling and they think oh, you re feeling better, are you all better now? No! Its chronic! Behind every smile is pain and exhaustion, but I have to come to terms with this and that it is here FOREVER - so yes, at times I try to push aside everything and enjoy life. Yes, one day I can do something and the next day maybe I cannot. I don't understand it, doctors don't understand it. And what makes it worse, is that each FM sufferer seems to have their unique combination, degree and cycle of symptoms and triggers. This is why it is so hard to treat! And while it also seems nice that you know someone else with fibromyalgia, you think "oh I understand what you are going through because Sally Jo has it too and I know what she goes through" -- please do NOT assume that I am like Sally Jo! We can be similar, yes, but as I have said, each sufferer is different in how severe and what symptoms, and even what secondary conditions they suffer. So yes, some things Sally Jo can do and I cannot, and vice versa. Again, I don't understand it and doctors don't understand it, but all I ask is that you understand that I am dealing with it and always will, and just be there for me when I need a friend. A friend to go to lunch with, go to the movies, talk with and laugh with. I'm sorry if this has come off in angry mode a touch, but it really hurts me when someone thinks that the solution is simple, when I have read and researched, and resourced many, many medical professionals, over 8 months. Trust me, this is something I have had a hard time accepting that I have, and thus I have done LOTS of research on it to 1. verify I have it and 2. find every single option I have, big or small, to help relieve my symptoms! Again thank you for being there for me, as a friend :)

Friday, March 19, 2010

I Feel 65

I feel 65. But I still have 30 years until I get there. What will I feel like at that age then?? I am stiff and achy when I get up from a seated position, when I walk around. I am tired and my body is so sensitive to things. My feet hurt and swell, my legs swell, my hands and fingers swell and ache. And I am only 35. Hope. I hope that leaps and bounds will be made in the treatment of fibromyalgia over the next 30 years. Please, please scientists, doctors, please tell me you are actively working on research for this. 10 million people are suffering nationwide from fibromylagia, mostly women.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Little Adjustments, Big Effects

I have made many lifestyle changes and adjustments, some major some minor. Some may seem silly to others, but make a world of difference to me. Like buying a laundry bin on wheels with 4 detachable bags for automatic sorting. This makes such a difference for me when needing to do laundry, I can grab 1 bag - presorted - throw it in the wash and save myself so much time of having to sort and have clothes in piles on my floor for days while trying to find the energy to get all the loads done and folded and hung up again. And paper plates :) Sounds super silly I know! But not having to do dishes sounds even better to me! Of course I would not use for company, but hey when its just me, paper plates are a perfect time and energy saver :) And inexpensive, heck you can get them at the dollar store :) And heat, I learned in physical therapy that heat is a good, good thing for my muscles and aches and pains. Like they had in PT, I went to Bed Bath and Beyond and bought a small paraffin wax machine. When you use your 20% off coupon fairly inexpensive, $30 or so. And you can even get lavender scented wax! I have it sitting here plugged in, and when my hands and or feet have had a bad day I dip them in. The heat really, really makes a big difference in making me feel better. I also invested in a heating blanket/electric blanket. I know right, I live in Florida! But its more for the subtle heat I can blanket on my body/muscles that just makes me feel better. I have noticed even a small change in temperature, from the 70's to say 50s or 60s and I can get extra achy. So hellooooo heating blanket :) Again not super expensive, $30 and WalMart. You just have to be very careful to use it properly and not leave on for extended periods of time etc. Now if I could just figure out how to install a hot tub for about $30 THEN I'd be all set! :)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Neurology and Fibromyalgia?

On a good note I did have an appointment with my neurologist today, whom I just love, love. He is a truly EXCELLENT doctor. He has treated me for migraines for years, so I was eager to get his take on my fibromyalgia diagnosis, as the more I read about FM the more they are finding it is landing in the neurology field -- chemical imbalances in one's body in relation to serotonin, norepinephrine and such. Much like migraines! It was an enlightening visit. He said he was not surprised, as many, many people who suffer from migraines also suffer from fibromyalgia. And when I told him that my current biggest battle is with not getting enough sleep/deep sleep he suggested a sleep study. When I told him my Dad had recently done one and was diagnosed with sleep apnea and restless legs he just nodded - yes, those too, very very common with fibromyalgia sufferers. You can start to see too, how it can all be hereditary. Although I can tell you right now, if diagnosed with sleep apnea I am not gonna wear a CPAP machine. And I don't think I have restless legs, I mean I've never had any complaints from companions ;) I really feel its just the evil FM keeping me from getting my deep sleep. But I want to rule everything out. I do need to lose the 20-30 pounds of weight I have gained, will sign up for yoga again soon. Namaste.

A Fibro Travels to the Midwest

So the shoes were the least of my problems on my trip. Thankfully they kept my feet comfy during my traveling to and from the midwest, where its a lot colder than Florida! If I thought I was tired and fatigued before, boy was I wrong! Try catching the terrible flu when you also suffer from fibromyalgia! You plan out every bit of moving around at all, from the bathroom and back, so you won't have to get up again and exert any more energy you don't have. The first 2 days of my trip were good, I thought I was survivng the cold weather despite my FM. Then somehow, who knows where & how, I caught the awful, awful flu bug that is going around. Let me tell you, if I am too sick and tired to 1) eat 2) watch tv AND 3) surf the web (if even on my phone, how hard is that?!) well THAT is sick and tired my friend! In addition to the flu tiredness (on top of the usual FM fatigue) I had the flu aches and pains, and really, really felt like the FM made it worse, as I still have aches like my body has been severely beaten with a baseball bat. I had to go to the ER, hoping for relief, but they gave me toradol for the pain (did nothing) phenergan and more phenergan for the nausea (also, did nothing) but they were able to hydrate me. It really leaves me wondering how much of the usual flu aches and pains and sickness that the FM might have amplified. I feel like I lost 3 days of my life, and my vacation with my new niece and nephew :( Still trying to get some energy back and get rid of the aches and pains. Somehow. Somewhere.

Friday, March 12, 2010

My Ruby Red Slippers?

Tired but can't fall asleep. All packed though. Unbelievable how much time u spend on your feet when packing, you never realize. My feet are killing me, and I still have travel tomorrow. That will be tough. I have found an AWESOME pair of shoes that are SUPER comfy and great for my feet, I mean just GREAT! I went from my feet feeling like I was walking on hot glass to feeling like walking on clouds with these shoes! I got them at FootSmart, a GREAT place to find some decently stylish AND comfy shoes! And even in heels! I bought the Paxton Slip-on in black suede. I am going to buy the brown, too. These are my "make it through the work day" shoes. And tomorrow, ok I guess its today already, I'll see how well they hold up in a day of traveling airports.The only thing that could make them better is if they were ruby red and I could just click my heels and be in Indy already :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chronic Fatigue — I am So Sick and Tired of It!

I am so unbelievably tired. And it all started at 8am. Well it took me 45 minutes to get myself out of bed this morning, as goes every morning. I hate waking up so tired, I feel like a ton of bricks I am so tired, and my body feels like I've been beaten with a baseball bat all night. The hot shower feels good though. I have really minimized my getting ready for work routine, thank goodness for jeans :) Usually on my way to work I am so tired I wish I could just stop breathing, as breathing really seems to be quite the effort and take too much energy. This chronic fatigue, I am never free of it. Guess that is why it is called "chronic" :) Never, ever feel refreshed. I ALWAYS wake up feeling dead tired. 8, 9, 10, 14, 15 hours of sleep and STILL dead tired! Still running my my coffee to give my day its jumpstart! Its like I need jumper cables, everyday, to get going. Staying going takes all I can do. I wish we had nap times at work. Being single, living by myself and living with fibromyalgia, is very difficult, I am coming to find. I support myself, therefore I have to work for the paycheck and the health benefits. It takes all I have to get up and go to work every morning. It does give me some solace though, once I get there and get my coffee (my other best friend, next to jeans) sometimes work is a good distraction from everything I am dealing with. As long as I can sit at my computer and do my design work. Its when I get up and walk around that I am reminded. By the end of the day my knees are so sore and swollen. And my feet, forget it. So swollen and in pain. And I don't even have a job where I am on my feet much. I can't imagine how others must suffer, as standing for more than 3 or 5 minutes really triggers the pain in my feet. I have to stop the coffee at noon though, or it makes for an even more difficult night of trying to fall asleep. So that I can wake up and do it all over again. I am supposed to be packing for a trip, I leave tomorrow but just haven't found the energy yet. I need to muster it from somewhere. I'm thinking my suitcase will be full of jeans for this trip.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Quick, Easy and HEALTHY Brownies!

I have made a big effort towards healthy eating because I have noticed the better I eat the better I feel. I discovered this brownie recipe, and yes I too was skeptical, until I made a batch! And I even had friends over at the time and had them try them, THEN I told them the ingredients! They were flabbergasted, NEVER would have guessed.

You get your chocolate fix, as well as a
GOOD dose or fiber and a GOOD dose or protein!!

I like to make them in the mini-muffin tins, so they are bite sized for a small snack. And I'll pop in the microwave for a few secs for warm brownies :) They freeze well too.

1 box of brownie mix (any)
1 can black beans
walnuts (optional)

Drain the black bean juice from the black beans (this gets rid of 70% of the sodium in black beans!) and then fill the can of beans (beans included) with water. Puree/liquify.

Then mix the pureed black beans with your brownie mix and bake as directed on your brownie mix! They come out real chewy fudge-y like. Sometimes I'll add 4 oz of unsweetened applesauce to the mix.

YUM! Enjoy!

So I Bought a Lazy Boy

I put my Christmas/Birthday money to good use this year. I realize that having a good supportive chair, and one where I can take the pressure off the aches and pains of the day, would be a very good investment. I'm 35 years old, so, even though I feel 65, I did not want a chair in my living room that sticks out like a sore thumb. I wanted something somewhat stylish yet comfy! I went straight to the source - the Lazy Boy store. They had the best selection of styles and colors, so I was able to get one in a decent plushy style, in a nice red brick microfiber that goes well with my couch and love seat. And on sale :) And I have to admit, having this chair to relax in has made a HUGE difference in how my body feels. Whether it is at the end of a long day at work, or just kicking back on the weekends, it truly, truly helps me find some relief. I love it. And my friends must love it too, when they come over they get sucked in and they end up staying for longer than they counted on, sitting in and enjoying the Lazy Boy :)

The Doctors Say I Have Fibromyalgia

So, 10 doctors and $5,000 later, I have fibromyalgia. Its been tough to accept. I suppose I kept trying new doctors because I did not want to accept that I have to deal with something chronic, for the rest of my life. I was just hopeful that a doctor would tell me that 1. Oh, no, you actually have xxx, which is curable/treatable or 2. Take/do this and you will feel awesome and amazing relief from the pain and fatigue of fibromyalgia. But in reality, most of what I have learned has been from research *I* have done on my own via the internet and books, and it is not an easy condition to manage. The doctors can diagnose you, when they have run through the gamut of tests and have nothing left but the un-definable un-testable fibromyalgia as the diagnosis. But when it comes to treating it they will basically shrug their shoulders, hand you a script for some drug, wish you well and send you on your way. They don't know much about fibromyalgia don't know what causes it, don't know what is even happening in the body to cause it, or how to treat it. Each fibromyalgia patient seems to have such distinct/unique symptoms that it makes for a very, very difficult blanket treatment. And every patient seems to have what they call "co-infections" that aren't always infections, but are definitely annoying other symptoms of this fibromyalgia. (For example, in addition to daily muscle and joint pain and fatigue I can have at any given time mouth sores, terrible gum pain, very very itchy skin, skin rashes, scalp rashes, swollen hands and feet, balance problems, and more. I can't remember. Oh, and that's another symptom too, memory fog.) I did not want to give in to this diagnosis, but, I guess I am coming around to the acceptance. I have the good days and the bad days, but either way the fibromyalgia is with me and I have to deal. Or learn to deal. I have a done a lot of learning over the past couple of months to even get to this point.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Fav Fibro Links

Some good resources I have found:
Please remember to consult your physician before trying anything new. I am not a doctor and no information should be considered medical advice. Any information provided should not be used to take the place of advice from your personal physician or other professional. Links to other sites are provided for ease of research. Information on those sites is the opinion of those who publish the sites and is NOT necessarily that of FibroChick. I offer what I can as help. I believe in educating myself on all my medical issues and being my own advocate, for no one else will do that on my behalf. I recommend we all do the same!

    In The Beginning

    I thought I'd start keeping a diary, online, of my thoughts and feelings. Maybe to keep me sane. Maybe to see if others can relate. Maybe to share with those who want to understand more what I am going through. It feels very hard to explain it all in a brief synopsis to people, as there us nothing brief about Fibromyalgia.

    In fact I have copied and pasted a letter that I composed and sent to my closest friends and family few months ago:

    As you probably know, I have been diagnosed with fibromyalgia (second opinion confirmed).

    The good news is that I cannot die from it. The bad news is that it is a chronic condition, meaning I will battle with it for the rest of my life.

    This a life-changing, and I have recognized the importance of having a strong support group around me. You are part of my closest family and friends, and I would like to help you understand what I am dealing with, and how you can help with understanding me. I know that together we can get through this :) It will require major changes on my part to control my life, but just minor adjustments for you to help me, mostly it is as simple as understanding what I am dealing with.

    If and when you have the time please read on.


    1. There is no known cure for fibromyalgia. The doctors don't know yet what causes it, so for now the only way to tackle it is to deal with the long list of symptoms and learn to treat those. As new research uncovers more information about the underlying causes of FM, we'll have more answers.

    2. FM is not the newest fad disease. In fact, it isn't a disease at all, it is a syndrome with a specific set of signs and symptoms which, unfortunately for the patient, take place together. (In addition to my joint pains I also have rashes, mouth and gum pains, muscle aches and so many other things that come and go daily.) Syndromes strike life-long athletes as viciously as they do couch potatoes. They can be disabling and depressing, interfering with even the simplest activities of daily life.

    It also isn't new, in the 1800's a surgeon described and started studying fibromyalgia. In 1987, the American Medical Association recognized FMS as a true physical illness and major cause of disability.

    3. Doctors have made long strides in migraines over the past 20 years that I have suffered from those, so i am hopeful that the next 20 years they can make similar big strides in helping with FM.

    4. Please understand that I still need you in my life and I can still live a full life! I just have to learn to understand my limitations, and this is not your burden. Please keep me me in the loop for fun activities and I will decide if it is something I can do. As I make plans with you, I can make sure to not overdo things so I can attend, but if I do have a bout where I have to back out please understand and please do not leave me out of future activities. Having you in my close support group is a key to helping me and continuing our close relationship.


    1. My pain - My pain is not caused by inflammation. Taking arthritis medication will not help me. I can not work my pain out or shake it off. It is not even a pain that stays put. Today it is in my shoulder, but tomorrow it may be in my feet, hands, elbows and/or knees. It is not well understood, but it is real, and a daily reality. There is no rest from pain. Something always hurts, and this wears me down. Sometimes the pain can be so bad that I imagine lying on a bed of nails would feel better that the pain I am suffering with. Managing my pain is a constant challenge, but there are some things aside from trying medications that make can make me feel better, that YOU can help me with! - laughter, pleasant thoughts, happy memories, good times.

    2. My fatigue - I am not merely tired. I am often in a severe state of exhaustion. I may want to participate in physical activities, but I can't. Please do not take this personally. If you saw me shopping in the mall yesterday, but I can't help you with yard work today, it isn't because I don't want to. I am, most likely, paying the price for stressing my muscles beyond their capability. Fatigue is the number one complaint of people with FM. According to the latest statistics 100% of people with FM have chronic pain and 98% have chronic fatigue. I feel like I have to lie down when I am already lying down. There isn't enough energy in my body to go around. I have to choose daily activities carefully and put limitations on what I can do so as to not "overdo" it and pay for it later/tomorrow with worse pain and fatigue. Simple things like going to the grocery store, making dinner, doing dishes can be exhausting for me, but it is up to me to decide what activities I can do each day.

    3. My forgetfulness - Those of us who suffer from it call it "fibrofog." I may not remember what I promised to do for you, even though you told me just seconds ago. I do not have a selective memory. On some days, I just don't have any short-term memory at all. You can laugh at "fibrofog" but it isn't always funny. Many people have to go on disability and leave their careers they love because their cognitive skills are so undependable. It is very hard to explain to people why you can no longer perform a job when the only physical activity you do is sit and type on a computer, and when you look just fine and not sick. Quite often I may have problems finding the right words for a simple sentence. Please bear with me during these times and understand what I am dealing with.

    4. My clumsiness - If I step on your toes or run into you five times in a crowd, I am not purposely targeting you. I often lose my balance and get dizzy for no explained reason. I have also lost strength in my hands and fingers and may drop things often and not be able to do things I used to be able to.

    5. My depression - Yes, there are days when I would rather stay in bed or in the house or die. I have lost count of how many of Dr. Kevorkian's patients suffered from FM. Severe, unrelenting pain can cause depression and seem hopeless. Your sincere concern and understanding can pull me back from the brink. Your snide remarks can tip me over the edge. I appreciate you helping me during these times to get me out of the house for a simple get together, movie, lunch or dinner or just hanging out with good friends and family.

    6. My insomnia - I have been dealing with this for quite some time and it is a big challenge for people with FM. It is hard for me to fall asleep, and when I do it is hard for me to wake up. Even getting 8 or 9 hours of sleep may not be helpful as studies have found that people with FM do not get enough restorative sleep, and this does affect my fatigue and my weak muscles. Hopefully in the coming years doctors will learn more about the sleep connection to FM.

    7. My need for therapy - If I get a massage every week, don't envy me. My massage is not your massage. Consider how a massage would feel if that charley horse you had in your leg was all over your body. Massaging it out was very painful, but it had to be done. My body is knot-filled. If I can stand the pain, regular massage can help, at least temporarily.

    8. My weight - The weight I have gained from FM is not by choice, and doctors do not know why or how to fix it. I am learning to fine tune my diet and nutrition even more, as well as learning what exercise I can do without making my symptoms worse. I am hoping these changes will help me with my weight.

    9. My exercise - While it may seem contradictory (it does to me!) exercise can help me stretch and strengthen my muscles, and is a key to managing my symptoms, but I cannot overdo it. Something as simple as a daily 10 minute walk can help. I think the Wii is going to be a GREAT simple tool for me to do simple exercises, and to track my weight and abilities. I'll get more controllers - please come over and play the Wii with me!

    10. My good days - If you see me smiling and functioning normally, don't assume I am well. I suffer from a chronic pain and fatigue illness with no cure. I can have my good days or weeks or even months (hoping!!) In fact, the good days, and knowing that my friends and family are always there for me, are what keep me going! It is often hard to keep a positive attitude, but I am trying!

    11. My uniqueness
    - FM affects everyone differently. The most frustrating things about fibromyalgia are the flare-ups and constantly changing symptoms that make it impossible to make plans and predict how well I will function. The scary, maddening and infuriating thing is not knowing what to expect, how to manage, or how to trust my own body. I have to learn now to ask for help, which is very hard for me to do. Please help me with this.

    I hope that this helps you understand me. If you have any questions or want to know even more please feel free to ask me. I am researching this as I have the energies and am learning more everyday, and doctors too are learning more everyday trying to better understand and treat this strange affliction.

    I know that having you in my strong support group is a key to helping me deal with this, and I am glad you have read this far to understand me and how you can help. I am glad we are family and friends, and I still want to be in your life and there for you as well! As I said, it will require major changes on my part to control my life, but just minor adjustments for you to help me, mostly it is as simple as understanding what I am dealing with.


    Please remember to consult your physician before trying anything new. I am not a doctor and no information should be considered medical advice. Any information provided should not be used to take the place of advice from your personal physician or other professional. Links to other sites are provided for ease of research. Information on those sites is the opinion of those who publish the sites and is NOT necessarily that of FibroChick. I offer what I can as help. I believe in educating myself on all my medical issues and being my own advocate, for no one else will do that on my behalf. I recommend we all do the same!